Wherefore seeing we also are compassed (surrounded by) about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race is set before us – Hebrews 12:1
The great cloud of witnesses are those who went before us and their faithfulness to God. Christianity involves hard work. It requires us to give up whatever endangers our relationship with God. To live effectively, we must keep our eyes on Jesus and the Words He has given us to incorporate into our lives. Our forefathers didn’t receive the Holy Spirit as we have, and they were dedicated to living according to God’s standards.
Abel’s faith in God and his approach to God with his offering were acceptable, whereas Cain wasn’t (By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts; and by it he being died yet speaketh – Hebrews 11:4. God remembered Abel’s faith towards Him and the attitude he gave as he was giving his offering.
.Many times, we come before God with our sacrifice of worship and praise and haven’t repented of the sin or sins we have committed against Him. Many feel as though if they take the time to go to church, forget about all the other things they have committed that were against the Word of God.
Every day is holy to God, and as Christians, we should live every day as though it were the last day of our life, and we want it to be pleasing to God. As Christians, God has chosen us; we didn’t choose Him. He gave His Son, Jesus, to be the sacrifice for our sins, turning away His wrath against us.
Christians have been a chosen people, just like the Jews (To whom coming as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious. Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ – 1st Peter 2:4-5). When we come before the Father, we don’t give any type of sacrifice. Our praise should be from our hearts and our bodies, a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God.
God wants His people to be committed to Him, just as we are to our spouses, children, and employers. Be committed to seeking Him in prayer on a daily basis. Committed to reading and studying His Word, the Bible. You can’t serve or worship Him in spirit and in truth if you don’t know Him.
We make excuses for the reason why we don’t pray or read the Bible. The Bible is our instruction manual, just like we read instructions on how to operate new appliances, such as crackpots, stoves, lawnmowers, or hedgers. We read the instructions to make sure we’re operating them correctly. It’s the same thing with our Christian living; we must read the instruction manual to ensure we’re living this Christian life correctly.
We give an offering after we have done everything we wanted to do, and we give Him the leftovers. God should be the first person we talk to when we wake up and the last person we talk with before retiring to bed.
We get up early enough to exercise before going to work, but we will not get up early enough to pray or devotional by reading His Word. When we place God first, He enables us to face anything that will come that day because we have started our day with Him in prayer.
When we pray on a consistent basis, it builds our faith; it builds our relationship with the Father. Reading His Word gives us instructions on how to live as Christians and will assist us to bypass hell and enter into heaven because we have placed His Word in our hearts so that we will not sin against Him.
We can’t live anyway and expect God to accept our offering of praise and worship because He doesn’t. We can’t live according to the flesh or secular actions and expect to have a spiritual encounter with God. God gives visitation to those who have committed themselves to Him completely, not only at the church but in their homes. God wants commitment from those who profess to be Christians; He wants more than Sunday worshipers but those who will worship Him daily in spirit and in truth.
Category: Inspirational Tags: about, accept, acceptable, according, against, also, and, anyway, approach, are, as, aside, assists, attitude, be, because, before, befpre, Being, beset, bible, but, Christianity, Christians, church, cloud, come, comittted, commitment, committed, committment, compassed, completely, consistent, daily, dedicated, didn', died, easily, effectively, encounter, endangers, enough, every, excellent, expect, eyes, faith, faithfulness, feel, forefathers, from, gave, Gifts, give, given, gives, giving, God, great, have, haven't, he, hearts, him, his, Holy Spirit, homes, incorporate, involves, jesus, keep, know, last, life, live, living, Many, more, must, obtained, of, offered, Offering, our, patience, praise, profess, race, reading, relationship, remembered, repented, requires, righteous, ru, sacrifice, seeing, serve, set, sim, sin, so, speaketh, spirit, standards, Sunday, surrounded, testifying, than, that, the, their, themseles, they, those, times, to, towards, truth, us, wake, wants, wasn't, we, weight, went, were, whatever, whereas, wherefore, which, who, will, with, witness, Words, work, worship, worshipers
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Posted: October 30, 2023 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed (surrounded by) about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race is set before us – Hebrews 12:1
The great cloud of witnesses are those who went before us and their faithfulness to God. Christianity involves hard work. It requires us to give up whatever endangers our relationship with God. To live effectively, we must keep our eyes on Jesus and the Words He has given us to incorporate into our lives. Our forefathers didn’t receive the Holy Spirit as we have, and they were dedicated to living according to God’s standards.
Abel’s faith in God and his approach to God with his offering were acceptable, whereas Cain wasn’t (By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts; and by it he being died yet speaketh – Hebrews 11:4. God remembered Abel’s faith towards Him and the attitude he gave as he was giving his offering.
.Many times, we come before God with our sacrifice of worship and praise and haven’t repented of the sin or sins we have committed against Him. Many feel as though if they take the time to go to church, forget about all the other things they have committed that were against the Word of God.
Every day is holy to God, and as Christians, we should live every day as though it were the last day of our life, and we want it to be pleasing to God. As Christians, God has chosen us; we didn’t choose Him. He gave His Son, Jesus, to be the sacrifice for our sins, turning away His wrath against us.
Christians have been a chosen people, just like the Jews (To whom coming as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious. Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ – 1st Peter 2:4-5). When we come before the Father, we don’t give any type of sacrifice. Our praise should be from our hearts and our bodies, a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God.
God wants His people to be committed to Him, just as we are to our spouses, children, and employers. Be committed to seeking Him in prayer on a daily basis. Committed to reading and studying His Word, the Bible. You can’t serve or worship Him in spirit and in truth if you don’t know Him.
We make excuses for the reason why we don’t pray or read the Bible. The Bible is our instruction manual, just like we read instructions on how to operate new appliances, such as crackpots, stoves, lawnmowers, or hedgers. We read the instructions to make sure we’re operating them correctly. It’s the same thing with our Christian living; we must read the instruction manual to ensure we’re living this Christian life correctly.
We give an offering after we have done everything we wanted to do, and we give Him the leftovers. God should be the first person we talk to when we wake up and the last person we talk with before retiring to bed.
We get up early enough to exercise before going to work, but we will not get up early enough to pray or devotional by reading His Word. When we place God first, He enables us to face anything that will come that day because we have started our day with Him in prayer.
When we pray on a consistent basis, it builds our faith; it builds our relationship with the Father. Reading His Word gives us instructions on how to live as Christians and will assist us to bypass hell and enter into heaven because we have placed His Word in our hearts so that we will not sin against Him.
We can’t live anyway and expect God to accept our offering of praise and worship because He doesn’t. We can’t live according to the flesh or secular actions and expect to have a spiritual encounter with God. God gives visitation to those who have committed themselves to Him completely, not only at the church but in their homes. God wants commitment from those who profess to be Christians; He wants more than Sunday worshipers but those who will worship Him daily in spirit and in truth.
Category: Inspirational Tags: about, accept, acceptable, according, against, also, and, anyway, approach, are, as, aside, assists, attitude, be, because, before, befpre, Being, beset, bible, but, Christianity, Christians, church, cloud, come, comittted, commitment, committed, committment, compassed, completely, consistent, daily, dedicated, didn', died, easily, effectively, encounter, endangers, enough, every, excellent, expect, eyes, faith, faithfulness, feel, forefathers, from, gave, Gifts, give, given, gives, giving, God, great, have, haven't, he, hearts, him, his, Holy Spirit, homes, incorporate, involves, jesus, keep, know, last, life, live, living, Many, more, must, obtained, of, offered, Offering, our, patience, praise, profess, race, reading, relationship, remembered, repented, requires, righteous, ru, sacrifice, seeing, serve, set, sim, sin, so, speaketh, spirit, standards, Sunday, surrounded, testifying, than, that, the, their, themseles, they, those, times, to, towards, truth, us, wake, wants, wasn't, we, weight, went, were, whatever, whereas, wherefore, which, who, will, with, witness, Words, work, worship, worshipers
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