P. O. Box 2252, Oak Park, Illinois 60303-2252 info@wordoflifeministries.org 773-544-0058


For what is the hope of the hypocrite, though he hath gained, when God taketh away his soul (Job 27:8)?  There is an appointed time we have to appear before God for the life we have lived, there will be no excuses for what we did or didn’t do. Many are in church and living opposite  of what God has instructed every Christian to live by. We cannot live and have  fellowship with God, when we’re living in disobedient of His Word. How many times have you been in Church and the Spirit of God was moving in the congregation, but you didn’t feel His Spirit? Matter of fact, when were living according to God’s Word not only will He meet us in the Church, but we can feel His presence in our homes. In order to have fellowship with God, we have to realize we’re in need of His help, and He will  help, when we ask Him to help us to live according to His Word.

Christianity is not a bunch of rules of does and don’t; the Bible which is God’s written word is for the believers instructions to live by, it’s our passport to Heaven.  Satan have blinded the eyes of those who want to live for God, but yet live  according to their desires,but when we do, it hinders us from growing in the Spirit, the fruit of the Spirit will not be in manifestation when we live  according to our fleshly desires. You may not be committing fornication or adultery, but you’re watching it on television and if it’s a series, you’re watching every series with expectation. As Christians we can’t be consumed with the things of the world, there is nothing wrong with watching television, but it’s what you’re watching that is killing your relationship with the  Father.  What we watch and hear goes into our spirit and will stunt our spiritual growth.

Many Christians attend church, but never have a set time to read and study God’s Word, they don’t have fast days and they wonder why they aren’t growing spiritually. The Bible gives us instructions in how to grow spiritually,but if  the individual never takes the time to read the Word, how can they be doers of what they  aren’t aware of? God holds every Christian responsible for their spiritual growth, and its more than attending church once a week.  As Christians we cannot participate in everything that the world is doing; we are in the world, but we’re not of the world. Spiritual adultery is just a bad as physical adultery (Ye adulterers and adulteress, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God – James 4:4). We will either serve the Creator of the Universe or we will serve the father of lies, Satan. We cannot live according to the world standards and believe we will go to heaven, that’s a lie from Satan to keep people hell bound (Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you – 2nd Corinthians 6:17).

God has an everlasting love for us, but He will not allow sin to enter into His kingdom, if we die in our sins, in hell shall we lift up our eyes (And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb’s book of life – Revelation 21:27). It’s so much hypocrisy in the church, and it shouldn’t be;  Christian night clubs, Christian stepping, envy, jealousy, gossiping, unbelief and doubt; the very thing God has instructed Christians not to do, is what they are doing .

Most employers have an employee handbook, it’s the responsibility of the employee to read the manual and get familiar with the guidelines. If the employee does something that is against the rules in the handbook they can be fired because of negligence  of not reading the rules. God’s Word has authority over any rule man can make, and just like the employer, if the people of God does not comply to what is written in the handbook of the Lord, they will miss Heaven and end up in hell, and yes God will still love you, but He will not go against His Word. Too many times people are being preached to about how much God loves them and not telling them, God loves them, but if they don’t comply to the Word of God they  are hell bound.

Every Christian is held responsible for their dedication to God, and His Word, don’t compare yourself to others, but compare yourself to the Word of God, and when we do that, we can always see where we need more of His help to  live this Christian life.

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