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The Importance Of Prayer and Worship

Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints – Ephesians 6:18.

Prayer is important for every professings Christian, it’s our daily talk with the Father. As we communicate with Him it strengthen our faith, and enable us to get to know Him and His character and it shields us and enable us to fight against the attacks of Satan.

The beginning of the text “praying always with all prayer” is admonishing Christians to pray and when they pray they should pray with different types of prayers. One type of prayer is the prayer of supplication and petition when you’re asking for personal needs for yourselves and others. Supplication is praying until you see a manifestation of what you’re praying for. You don’t pray once and let it go, if it takes months or years continue to pray and while you’re praying for the same thing, you’re faith is growing. You’re not fretting or anxious, but you’re looking to God to answer your prayer and you’re willing to wait until He answers the prayer. While you’re waiting, you’re praying and thanking Him for answered prayers. This when you’re casting all your cares upon the Lord (Be careful for nothing [do not fret or have anxiety about anything]; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God – Philippians 4:6).

In other words, you should not worry and be anxious about any situation, but rather you need to determine what kind of prayer will work in your situation. Some people get anxious and jump right into prayer without determining what kind of prayer needs to be prayed. We need to understand that there are different kinds of prayer. There are different prayers that apply to different situations. One example is, if Satan is attacking you with fear, anger, jealousy. This is not the time to be asking God to remove it. It’s time to go into a warfare prayer, and demand the spirit of fear, anger, jealousy to depart from you mind, and your emotions in the name of Jesus. Losing the blood of Jesus against any form of emotions that is not the behavior or character or God.

Another type of prayer is the prayer of praise and worship. We give praise to God and thanking Him for the many blessings He has bestowed upon us and our loved ones (And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess, but be filled with the Spirit. Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord. Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ – Ephesians 5:18-20)

Notice, the Scripture instruct the believer not to be drunk with wine. If were committing anything the Bible prohibits it will hinder our prayers being answered and our relationship with God. When we sing and make melodies in our hearts to God its a form of praise and worship. When you are praising God you’re fellowshipping with Him. So praise and worship is a type of prayer.

Sometimes we just need to do a prayer of thanksgiving, thanking God for His goodness, mercy, greatness, holiness, not asking Him to do nothing but just giving Him honor and praise. Intercession is another form of prayer when we’re praying for others. Sometimes God will just place someone on your heart to intercede for in prayer. It’s so important to have a prayer life, we never know when God will have us to intercede for others and we must be prepared spiritually.

Prayer of confession of the Word of God is confessing what His Word says we are. It’s placing God’s Word in the atmosphere, it’s telling God what He says He would do in our lives, for us and our loved ones. He said He would watch over His Word to perform it. There is also the prayer of confession of sin, confessing our sins and not hiding them. Prayer confession returns us to holiness and cleanses us to be acceptable before Him.

As Christians, we should also do a declaration of prayer. Declarations are statements of faith and have the power to create, to call into being, to cast out, and to shift things. Declaration prayers aren’t words directed to God but directed at principalities and strongholds. This also includes the processing of binding and loosing (And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven – Matthew 16:19)..

Prayer is away to stay connected to God. It’s also our armor to fight against forces that are unseen better known in Scripture as demons. Sadly, to say many professing Christians don’t believe in demons neither do they have the power to fight against them because they don’t believe even though the Bible speaks about them. Demons are spirits, they are fallen angels that fight against true Christians, and they have carnal Christians in bondage of strongholds.

Christianity is not about just attending church, Christianity is a daily life living according to Scripture. Attending church is a form of works, which is good, but God is looking for worshippers that will worship Him in Spirit and in truth. If you’re worshiping God in Spirit and in truth, you’re soldier. Soldiers have to fight, but they don’t fight physically, but in the Spirit. They fight through prayer, all types of prayer, fasting, reading and studying God’s Word and applying it to their daily lives.

As you dedicate yourself to daily prayer, God will begin to instruct you in different prayers. He will impress in your spirit who to pray for, what to prayer. What to loose and what to bind up and cast out. Prayer is our connection to God, and its our armor to fight.

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