The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant. Isaiah 24:5. Not only the people suffered from their sins, but even the land also suffered… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: according, adhere, affects, apply, around, aspect, because, believe, believers, beyond, bible, blessings, bondthose, book, brokencovenant, brought, calamities, carnal, children, choose, churches, city, closed, commission, community, conditions, creation, crime, crops, desire, disciplne, dismissed, disobdience, doctrine, downdeterioration, duty, earth, earthly, equip, escape, eternity, everyone, excuse, extensively, fade, faith, faithful, final, financial, followed, forsaken, fulfilled, God, godliness, grace, graced, hell, holiness, human, immediate, instruct, Instructions, joy, judgment, knowing, knowledge, land, laws, live, longer, looks, men, minister, nature, naturep, neighbors, obligation, omission, origianl, passed, people, period, perpetual, persish, pollution, poverty, prepared, refuse, requires, result, resume, return, safe, salvation, scripture, section, seeking, share, sins, slow, society, spend, state, study, suffer, suffered, transcribed, universal, upon, ushering, warn, wawrn, ways, wills, within, world
Tag: resume
Updated on August 22, 2022 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant. Isaiah 24:5. Not only the people suffered from their sins, but even the land also suffered… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: according, adhere, affects, apply, around, aspect, because, believe, believers, beyond, bible, blessings, bondthose, book, brokencovenant, brought, calamities, carnal, children, choose, churches, city, closed, commission, community, conditions, creation, crime, crops, desire, disciplne, dismissed, disobdience, doctrine, downdeterioration, duty, earth, earthly, equip, escape, eternity, everyone, excuse, extensively, fade, faith, faithful, final, financial, followed, forsaken, fulfilled, God, godliness, grace, graced, hell, holiness, human, immediate, instruct, Instructions, joy, judgment, knowing, knowledge, land, laws, live, longer, looks, men, minister, nature, naturep, neighbors, obligation, omission, origianl, passed, people, period, perpetual, persish, pollution, poverty, prepared, refuse, requires, result, resume, return, safe, salvation, scripture, section, seeking, share, sins, slow, society, spend, state, study, suffer, suffered, transcribed, universal, upon, ushering, warn, wawrn, ways, wills, within, world
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