For as by one man’s disobedience, many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous – Romans 5:19.
The imputation of sin occurred originally when the sin of Adam was charged to the account of every person. The imputation of sin is not arbitrarily charging people with sins they were not responsible for but reckoning to them the guilt they deserve.
Everyone exists in the seed form within Adam, causing him to be the head of the human race. We were all in the body of Adam when he sinned, just as Levi was in the body of Abraham when he met Melchizedek. In this sense, every member of the human race played a part in the fall of man. When Adam sinned, we were sinning with him.
While Adam’s disobedience resulted in the human race being plunged into sin, the obedience of Christ, the Second Adam, gives Christians the power to overcome sin. We were born into sin, but we don’t have to stay a sinner because of what Jesus accomplished at the Cross of Calvery.
Salvation is for every nationality, and there is no other way we can get to God other than Jesus Christ (And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation – Acts 17:26). Most nationalities have the gods they have created and serve. Still, the gods they serve are not the Creator of the universe, nor will they assist them to enter heaven.
To be in the right standing with God, we must go through the process of salvation, justification, and sanctification. The primary focus of salvation is deliverance from sin and from God’s eschatological punishment of sinners. One must believe Jesus is the Son of God, and through Him, we have salvation through faith in Him (That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead thou shalt be saved. For with the heart, man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation – Romans 10:9-10). His mouth’s confession does not save one, but rather, the mouth testifies readily of the grace of God in Christ, which has been received by faith.
Justification is God’s decree whereby believers are set right with Him “positionally” and whereby He imputes the merits of Christ to them by grace (Therefore as by the offense of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life – Romans 5:18). No other name other than Jesus gives one justification with the Father. There are no different ways to serve God besides what He has instructed through His written Word, the Bible.
Sanctification – This is the process whereby that new life is nourished and matures into conformity with one justified “positional status.” One must be born of the Spirit to go through the process of sanctification. This is why Jesus instructed Nicodemus to be born-again (Jesus answered, verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God – John 3:5). Born of water is to be understood as a symbol for the Holy Spirit.
One does not receive the Holy Spirit as some claim when they receive salvation. When one receives the Holy Spirit, they are sealed (Who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts – 2nd Corinthians 1:22). The sealing of the Holy Spirit has a threefold significance (1) to indicate ownership, (2) to indicate genuineness, (3) to preserve and keep safe.
The indwelling of the Holy Spirit was one of God’s purposes since the beginning has been to dwell with humanity and enjoy fellowship with us. Receiving the Holy Spirit is not an experience but produces spiritual experiences. Remains permanent and is the basis of all the other ministries of the Holy Spirit. It’s the source of new life in the believer.
One receives the Holy Spirit when they become submissive to the written Word of God; what it says to do, they will do, and what it says not to do, they will not do (And we are His witness of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey Him – Acts 5:32).
Some receive the Holy Spirit when they accept salvation; others may have to wait until their hearts are ready to be submissive to the Spirit of God and the written Word. Whatever denomination one may be related to, they need the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Jesus was both divine and man, but in His manly position, He needed the Holy Spirit (How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for was with Him – Acts 10:38).
Jesus was given those who believe in Him an example of what they must do to be empowered to live this Christian lifestyle. No one has to live in sin; Jesus came to save the lost. He empowered those that believe in Him to live a godly lifestyle. We do not have to practice sin, and we don’t have to be taunted by sin because of what we listen to and watch.
If one wants to enter heaven, one must live by the Word of God; there is no other way but God’s way. Pray, read, and study the Bible, it gives instructions on how to enter heaven, and it gives instructions for those who want to enter hell.
Category: Inspirational Tags: Abraham, accomplished, account, Adam, all, arbitrarily, as, assist, at, be, because, Being, believe, believers, bible, born, but, Calvery, can, causing, charged, charging, Christ, Christians, confession, conformity, created, Creator, cross, decree, Deliverance, deserve, different, disobedience, does, enter, eschatological, every, everyone, exists, faith, fall, focus, for, form, get, gives, God, gods, grace, guilt, have, head, heaven, him, human, im;putes, imputation, in, instructed, into, is, jesus, Jesus Christ, just, justification, justified, Levi, life, man, matures, Melchizedek, member, merits, met, most, mouth, nationaliteis, nationality, new, nor, not, nourished, obedience, occurred, one, originally, other, overcome, part, people, person, played, plunged, positional, positionally, power, primary, process, punishment, race, rather, readily, received, reckoning, responsible, resulted, right, salvation, sanctification, save, second, seed, sense, serve, set, sin, sinner, Son, spirit, standing, status, stay, still, testifies, than, the, them, there, they, this, through, to, universe, us, was, water, way, ways, we, were, what, when, whereby, while, will, with, within, Word, written
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Last Updated: August 21, 2023 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
Born Into Sin, But We Don’t Have To Stay A Sinner
For as by one man’s disobedience, many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous – Romans 5:19.
The imputation of sin occurred originally when the sin of Adam was charged to the account of every person. The imputation of sin is not arbitrarily charging people with sins they were not responsible for but reckoning to them the guilt they deserve.
Everyone exists in the seed form within Adam, causing him to be the head of the human race. We were all in the body of Adam when he sinned, just as Levi was in the body of Abraham when he met Melchizedek. In this sense, every member of the human race played a part in the fall of man. When Adam sinned, we were sinning with him.
While Adam’s disobedience resulted in the human race being plunged into sin, the obedience of Christ, the Second Adam, gives Christians the power to overcome sin. We were born into sin, but we don’t have to stay a sinner because of what Jesus accomplished at the Cross of Calvery.
Salvation is for every nationality, and there is no other way we can get to God other than Jesus Christ (And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation – Acts 17:26). Most nationalities have the gods they have created and serve. Still, the gods they serve are not the Creator of the universe, nor will they assist them to enter heaven.
To be in the right standing with God, we must go through the process of salvation, justification, and sanctification. The primary focus of salvation is deliverance from sin and from God’s eschatological punishment of sinners. One must believe Jesus is the Son of God, and through Him, we have salvation through faith in Him (That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead thou shalt be saved. For with the heart, man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation – Romans 10:9-10). His mouth’s confession does not save one, but rather, the mouth testifies readily of the grace of God in Christ, which has been received by faith.
Justification is God’s decree whereby believers are set right with Him “positionally” and whereby He imputes the merits of Christ to them by grace (Therefore as by the offense of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life – Romans 5:18). No other name other than Jesus gives one justification with the Father. There are no different ways to serve God besides what He has instructed through His written Word, the Bible.
Sanctification – This is the process whereby that new life is nourished and matures into conformity with one justified “positional status.” One must be born of the Spirit to go through the process of sanctification. This is why Jesus instructed Nicodemus to be born-again (Jesus answered, verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God – John 3:5). Born of water is to be understood as a symbol for the Holy Spirit.
One does not receive the Holy Spirit as some claim when they receive salvation. When one receives the Holy Spirit, they are sealed (Who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts – 2nd Corinthians 1:22). The sealing of the Holy Spirit has a threefold significance (1) to indicate ownership, (2) to indicate genuineness, (3) to preserve and keep safe.
The indwelling of the Holy Spirit was one of God’s purposes since the beginning has been to dwell with humanity and enjoy fellowship with us. Receiving the Holy Spirit is not an experience but produces spiritual experiences. Remains permanent and is the basis of all the other ministries of the Holy Spirit. It’s the source of new life in the believer.
One receives the Holy Spirit when they become submissive to the written Word of God; what it says to do, they will do, and what it says not to do, they will not do (And we are His witness of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey Him – Acts 5:32).
Some receive the Holy Spirit when they accept salvation; others may have to wait until their hearts are ready to be submissive to the Spirit of God and the written Word. Whatever denomination one may be related to, they need the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Jesus was both divine and man, but in His manly position, He needed the Holy Spirit (How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for was with Him – Acts 10:38).
Jesus was given those who believe in Him an example of what they must do to be empowered to live this Christian lifestyle. No one has to live in sin; Jesus came to save the lost. He empowered those that believe in Him to live a godly lifestyle. We do not have to practice sin, and we don’t have to be taunted by sin because of what we listen to and watch.
If one wants to enter heaven, one must live by the Word of God; there is no other way but God’s way. Pray, read, and study the Bible, it gives instructions on how to enter heaven, and it gives instructions for those who want to enter hell.
Category: Inspirational Tags: Abraham, accomplished, account, Adam, all, arbitrarily, as, assist, at, be, because, Being, believe, believers, bible, born, but, Calvery, can, causing, charged, charging, Christ, Christians, confession, conformity, created, Creator, cross, decree, Deliverance, deserve, different, disobedience, does, enter, eschatological, every, everyone, exists, faith, fall, focus, for, form, get, gives, God, gods, grace, guilt, have, head, heaven, him, human, im;putes, imputation, in, instructed, into, is, jesus, Jesus Christ, just, justification, justified, Levi, life, man, matures, Melchizedek, member, merits, met, most, mouth, nationaliteis, nationality, new, nor, not, nourished, obedience, occurred, one, originally, other, overcome, part, people, person, played, plunged, positional, positionally, power, primary, process, punishment, race, rather, readily, received, reckoning, responsible, resulted, right, salvation, sanctification, save, second, seed, sense, serve, set, sin, sinner, Son, spirit, standing, status, stay, still, testifies, than, the, them, there, they, this, through, to, universe, us, was, water, way, ways, we, were, what, when, whereby, while, will, with, within, Word, written
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