For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life – John 3:16. To believe is more than an intellectual agreement that Jesus… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: abide, abominable, about, accept, actions, adversary, agreeent, allow, allowing, alone, apply, attend, bapizes, baptism, believe, blaspheme, brimstone, brought, burneth, burning, cares, changes, commandment, commited, confidence, continue, death, desire, die, discipline, divine, does, draw, either, empower, enter, everlasting, everyone, except, excuse, exit, fearful, fire, Forever, give, given, God, good, grieving, has, he, idolaters, individual, Instructions, intellectual, join, kingdom, lake, left, liars, lifedependent, lifestyle, love, mean, murderers, nature, need, neighbors, never, no, not, once, opposite, part, pass, past, pattern, physically, please, punishment, put, quenching, reconciled, redemption, refilling, reject, remind, righteousness, salvation, second, section, sets, shall, show, sin, sorcerers, spiritually, spoken, tempting, thank, their, them, Trust, unbelieving, unconditional, ungodly, until, up, wake, which, whoremongers, will, works, world
For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it begins at us, what shall the end of them that obey not the gospel of God – 1 Peter 4:17. Jesus… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: according, anyone, anything, back, begins, behold, bible, biblical, brimestone, burning, but, call, came, camp, cannot, carnal, changed, character, Christians, communicated, conscience, dead, death, decision, desires, die, died, disobedient, enlarged, enter, ever, every, Father, fearful, fire, follow, God, godly, happening, have, heart, heaven, hell, idolaters, image, Instructions, jesus, judgment, keys, lake, last, liars, life, liveth, living, love, more, mother, murders, never, next, obey, one, only, people, petition, place, practicing, pray, prayer, presence, Priest, raised, real, rebellion, rejects, repentance, responsibility, resurrected, return, righteous, said, sanctification, Satan, sin, sings, some, sorcerers, souls, spirit, start, stop, stops, submission, teaching, that, their, them, themselves, think, those, time, truth, two, unbelieving, unrighteous, visited, was, where, whoremongers, Word, worms, worshiper, yourself
But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivest thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. And besides all this, between us and you there is… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: angels, aoid, asked, avoid, aware, between, bible, bosom, brothers, burning, Christians, cool, crumbs, cry, dead, death, desiring, devil, die, dies, disciples, discomfort, draw, eat, either, enters, escape, eternity, everlasting, explained, finger, food, gate, heaven, hell, ignored, immediately, increasing, inquierws, instruct, Instructions, join, lake, life, lifted, perish, person, place, practicing, quenched, reject, repent, resting, rich, room, salvation, saw, sins, table, tell, tolerated, torment, turned, water, witness, worms, wrath
Tag: burning
God’s Love
Updated on February 6, 2024 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life – John 3:16. To believe is more than an intellectual agreement that Jesus… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: abide, abominable, about, accept, actions, adversary, agreeent, allow, allowing, alone, apply, attend, bapizes, baptism, believe, blaspheme, brimstone, brought, burneth, burning, cares, changes, commandment, commited, confidence, continue, death, desire, die, discipline, divine, does, draw, either, empower, enter, everlasting, everyone, except, excuse, exit, fearful, fire, Forever, give, given, God, good, grieving, has, he, idolaters, individual, Instructions, intellectual, join, kingdom, lake, left, liars, lifedependent, lifestyle, love, mean, murderers, nature, need, neighbors, never, no, not, once, opposite, part, pass, past, pattern, physically, please, punishment, put, quenching, reconciled, redemption, refilling, reject, remind, righteousness, salvation, second, section, sets, shall, show, sin, sorcerers, spiritually, spoken, tempting, thank, their, them, Trust, unbelieving, unconditional, ungodly, until, up, wake, which, whoremongers, will, works, world
Updated on April 6, 2023 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it begins at us, what shall the end of them that obey not the gospel of God – 1 Peter 4:17. Jesus… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: according, anyone, anything, back, begins, behold, bible, biblical, brimestone, burning, but, call, came, camp, cannot, carnal, changed, character, Christians, communicated, conscience, dead, death, decision, desires, die, died, disobedient, enlarged, enter, ever, every, Father, fearful, fire, follow, God, godly, happening, have, heart, heaven, hell, idolaters, image, Instructions, jesus, judgment, keys, lake, last, liars, life, liveth, living, love, more, mother, murders, never, next, obey, one, only, people, petition, place, practicing, pray, prayer, presence, Priest, raised, real, rebellion, rejects, repentance, responsibility, resurrected, return, righteous, said, sanctification, Satan, sin, sings, some, sorcerers, souls, spirit, start, stop, stops, submission, teaching, that, their, them, themselves, think, those, time, truth, two, unbelieving, unrighteous, visited, was, where, whoremongers, Word, worms, worshiper, yourself
Life After Death
Updated on November 28, 2022 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivest thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. And besides all this, between us and you there is… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: angels, aoid, asked, avoid, aware, between, bible, bosom, brothers, burning, Christians, cool, crumbs, cry, dead, death, desiring, devil, die, dies, disciples, discomfort, draw, eat, either, enters, escape, eternity, everlasting, explained, finger, food, gate, heaven, hell, ignored, immediately, increasing, inquierws, instruct, Instructions, join, lake, life, lifted, perish, person, place, practicing, quenched, reject, repent, resting, rich, room, salvation, saw, sins, table, tell, tolerated, torment, turned, water, witness, worms, wrath
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