So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen – Matthew 20:16 Although we have been chosen by God to be joint heirs with Jesus Christ, it doesn’t exclude us… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: accepted, actions, all, although, and, Anointing, appreciate, beauty, because, been, Being, beside, bodies, bondage, brings, but, call, child, chose, chosen, Christ, comes, common, complained, conformed, cost, dance, day, difficulities, disappointmenrs, doesn't, earth, envy, exclude, fact, family, favored, footstool, from, glory, God, happy, hardship, heaven, heirs, himself, his, Holy Spirit, home, illusion, image, Instructions, jealous, jesus, jont, joy, know, life, lifestyle, lives, made, manifested, Many, matter, mean, miracles, must, nothing, one's, our, participate, perform, place, placed, preparation, presence, present, prestige, reap, received, reflect, rejected, rejection, reponsibilities, represent, signs, song, sorry, sowed, spirit, spiritual, suffeing, talked, tears, think, thinking, this, throne, through, time, to, understand, used, vessel, way, we're, will, willingly, wonders, Word, world, written, yield
For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it begins at us, what shall the end of them that obey not the gospel of God – 1 Peter 4:17. Jesus… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: according, anyone, anything, back, begins, behold, bible, biblical, brimestone, burning, but, call, came, camp, cannot, carnal, changed, character, Christians, communicated, conscience, dead, death, decision, desires, die, died, disobedient, enlarged, enter, ever, every, Father, fearful, fire, follow, God, godly, happening, have, heart, heaven, hell, idolaters, image, Instructions, jesus, judgment, keys, lake, last, liars, life, liveth, living, love, more, mother, murders, never, next, obey, one, only, people, petition, place, practicing, pray, prayer, presence, Priest, raised, real, rebellion, rejects, repentance, responsibility, resurrected, return, righteous, said, sanctification, Satan, sin, sings, some, sorcerers, souls, spirit, start, stop, stops, submission, teaching, that, their, them, themselves, think, those, time, truth, two, unbelieving, unrighteous, visited, was, where, whoremongers, Word, worms, worshiper, yourself
Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near – Isaiah 55:6 Have you ever had a time you needed someone to talk to or a time you needed advice,… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: abide, advice, against, alter, anyone, break, busy, call, calling, circustance, clouddirection, confidence, couldn't, counselor, covenant, cry, dark, depths, doctor, dwelleth, employer, encamp, eyes, fail, fear, formed, fullness, glory, going, gone, government, greatest, heads, hear, help, host, Impossible, keep, lawyer, lift, lips, Lordbelongeth, never, over, peace, people, person, place, places, possible, present, reached, rebuke, release, repentance, return, rise, salvation, secret, shadow, showvengeance, sin, situation, strength, talk, tell, them, therein, time, trouble, twenty-four, weariness, Words
Tag: call
Updated on April 20, 2023 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen – Matthew 20:16 Although we have been chosen by God to be joint heirs with Jesus Christ, it doesn’t exclude us… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: accepted, actions, all, although, and, Anointing, appreciate, beauty, because, been, Being, beside, bodies, bondage, brings, but, call, child, chose, chosen, Christ, comes, common, complained, conformed, cost, dance, day, difficulities, disappointmenrs, doesn't, earth, envy, exclude, fact, family, favored, footstool, from, glory, God, happy, hardship, heaven, heirs, himself, his, Holy Spirit, home, illusion, image, Instructions, jealous, jesus, jont, joy, know, life, lifestyle, lives, made, manifested, Many, matter, mean, miracles, must, nothing, one's, our, participate, perform, place, placed, preparation, presence, present, prestige, reap, received, reflect, rejected, rejection, reponsibilities, represent, signs, song, sorry, sowed, spirit, spiritual, suffeing, talked, tears, think, thinking, this, throne, through, time, to, understand, used, vessel, way, we're, will, willingly, wonders, Word, world, written, yield
Updated on April 6, 2023 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it begins at us, what shall the end of them that obey not the gospel of God – 1 Peter 4:17. Jesus… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: according, anyone, anything, back, begins, behold, bible, biblical, brimestone, burning, but, call, came, camp, cannot, carnal, changed, character, Christians, communicated, conscience, dead, death, decision, desires, die, died, disobedient, enlarged, enter, ever, every, Father, fearful, fire, follow, God, godly, happening, have, heart, heaven, hell, idolaters, image, Instructions, jesus, judgment, keys, lake, last, liars, life, liveth, living, love, more, mother, murders, never, next, obey, one, only, people, petition, place, practicing, pray, prayer, presence, Priest, raised, real, rebellion, rejects, repentance, responsibility, resurrected, return, righteous, said, sanctification, Satan, sin, sings, some, sorcerers, souls, spirit, start, stop, stops, submission, teaching, that, their, them, themselves, think, those, time, truth, two, unbelieving, unrighteous, visited, was, where, whoremongers, Word, worms, worshiper, yourself
Who Are You Going to Call?
Updated on May 27, 2022 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near – Isaiah 55:6 Have you ever had a time you needed someone to talk to or a time you needed advice,… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: abide, advice, against, alter, anyone, break, busy, call, calling, circustance, clouddirection, confidence, couldn't, counselor, covenant, cry, dark, depths, doctor, dwelleth, employer, encamp, eyes, fail, fear, formed, fullness, glory, going, gone, government, greatest, heads, hear, help, host, Impossible, keep, lawyer, lift, lips, Lordbelongeth, never, over, peace, people, person, place, places, possible, present, reached, rebuke, release, repentance, return, rise, salvation, secret, shadow, showvengeance, sin, situation, strength, talk, tell, them, therein, time, trouble, twenty-four, weariness, Words
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