Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen – Hebrews 11:1. Faith can either be negative or positive; positive faith is when one believes they will come out with victory, whereas… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: about, allow, allowed, always, at, battle, become, believed, believes, believing, blood, body, but, can, challenges, Christians, circumstances, coming, commitment, concerned, could, create, destroy, dictate, different, don't, either, evidence, eye, faint, faith, fasting, felt, fiery, fight, find, focus, for, garment, gods, governor, have, healed, heard, hem, her, herself, his, honey, hoped, in, is, issue, it, jesus, just, keep, keeping, land, life, look, Lord, lost, love, made, meet, milk, mind, miracle, must, needed, negative, never, not, now, on, our, ourselves, out, outcome, positive, prayed, praying, promised, reach, remember, says, see, seen, sensitive, she, should, slumber, sold, Son, spirit, strengthen, substance, that, there, they, things, think, through, time, touch, touched, town, trial, twelve, victory, voice, walking, was, we, what, when, where, whereas, whole, will, with, woman, Word, would, years, you're, your
Now faith is the substance [realization] of things hoped for, the evidence [sign] of things not seen -Hebrews 11:1. Faith is something that everyone has; it may be positive or negative, but it is still faith. Faith is… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: ability, about, acceptance, achieve, advocate, all, also, although, answers, are, before, belief, believe, believers, beloved, both, bring, but, called, can't, cause, change, chooses, Christ, Christian, commandments, common, contend, content, crucified, deliver, delivered, den, die, dilgence, doctrinal, doctrine, earnestly, enterance, every, everyone, evidence, evil, exhort, faith, feel, for, gain, get, hard, has, have, he, hearts, here, his, hoped, Impossible, indwelling, it, Jude, keep, knowing, life, lion's, live, manifesting, may, maybe, me, meaning, means, miracle, needful, negative, not, nothing, now, of, once, or, passive, person, physically, placed, positive, possible, power, prayers, presence, present, redeemer, refers, resulting, resurrection, saints, salvation, saved, see, seen, service, should, something, speaks, special, spirit, spiritual, spiritually, still, substance, that, the, their, them, they, things, through, told, too, unity, unto, vain, vigilance, vision, was, we, what, when, which, within, worked, world, would, write, wrong, you
If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him – Luke 11:13. Apollos was an Alexandrian Jew… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: acceptable, according, apart, ask, assist, baptism, believer, benefits, bible, body, boldness, changed, children, Christ, clean, confession, contend, days, deity, denomination, deny, distinct, empower, empowered, enabler, enables, even, evidence, experience, experiences, eyes, faith, fullness, Gift, Gifts, give, good, heard, heart, heavenly, Holy Spirit, immersed, Instructions, know, life, measure, mindset, operating, other, overall, portion, potential, power, prayed, professing, received, recognize, reformed, result, righteous, salvation, sanctification, separate, setting, taught, Trinity, two
Tag: evidence
Believing What We Don’t See
Updated on January 17, 2024 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen – Hebrews 11:1. Faith can either be negative or positive; positive faith is when one believes they will come out with victory, whereas… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: about, allow, allowed, always, at, battle, become, believed, believes, believing, blood, body, but, can, challenges, Christians, circumstances, coming, commitment, concerned, could, create, destroy, dictate, different, don't, either, evidence, eye, faint, faith, fasting, felt, fiery, fight, find, focus, for, garment, gods, governor, have, healed, heard, hem, her, herself, his, honey, hoped, in, is, issue, it, jesus, just, keep, keeping, land, life, look, Lord, lost, love, made, meet, milk, mind, miracle, must, needed, negative, never, not, now, on, our, ourselves, out, outcome, positive, prayed, praying, promised, reach, remember, says, see, seen, sensitive, she, should, slumber, sold, Son, spirit, strengthen, substance, that, there, they, things, think, through, time, touch, touched, town, trial, twelve, victory, voice, walking, was, we, what, when, where, whereas, whole, will, with, woman, Word, would, years, you're, your
Updated on September 11, 2023 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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Now faith is the substance [realization] of things hoped for, the evidence [sign] of things not seen -Hebrews 11:1. Faith is something that everyone has; it may be positive or negative, but it is still faith. Faith is… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: ability, about, acceptance, achieve, advocate, all, also, although, answers, are, before, belief, believe, believers, beloved, both, bring, but, called, can't, cause, change, chooses, Christ, Christian, commandments, common, contend, content, crucified, deliver, delivered, den, die, dilgence, doctrinal, doctrine, earnestly, enterance, every, everyone, evidence, evil, exhort, faith, feel, for, gain, get, hard, has, have, he, hearts, here, his, hoped, Impossible, indwelling, it, Jude, keep, knowing, life, lion's, live, manifesting, may, maybe, me, meaning, means, miracle, needful, negative, not, nothing, now, of, once, or, passive, person, physically, placed, positive, possible, power, prayers, presence, present, redeemer, refers, resulting, resurrection, saints, salvation, saved, see, seen, service, should, something, speaks, special, spirit, spiritual, spiritually, still, substance, that, the, their, them, they, things, through, told, too, unity, unto, vain, vigilance, vision, was, we, what, when, which, within, worked, world, would, write, wrong, you
Holy Spirit
Updated on April 27, 2022 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him – Luke 11:13. Apollos was an Alexandrian Jew… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: acceptable, according, apart, ask, assist, baptism, believer, benefits, bible, body, boldness, changed, children, Christ, clean, confession, contend, days, deity, denomination, deny, distinct, empower, empowered, enabler, enables, even, evidence, experience, experiences, eyes, faith, fullness, Gift, Gifts, give, good, heard, heart, heavenly, Holy Spirit, immersed, Instructions, know, life, measure, mindset, operating, other, overall, portion, potential, power, prayed, professing, received, recognize, reformed, result, righteous, salvation, sanctification, separate, setting, taught, Trinity, two
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