And He spake a parable unto them: Can the blind lead the blind? Shall they not both fall into the ditch? The disciple is not above his master (teacher): but every one that is perfect (trained) shall be… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: allow, although, approved, are, ashamed, attend, because, Being, belief, believers, beyond, bible, Bible Study', blind, blindness, both'erroneous, by, can, can't, capacity, Christians, church, clean, cleansing, comes, common, customs, different, diligent, discerned, discernment, dividing, do, don't, dysfunction, ensure, familiar, farther, find, forgiven, from, fruit, full, generated, God, grow, growth, have, he, heart, individual, intellect, jesus, know, leaders, leading, learning, led, majority, maturity, miracle, much, must, not, once, only, open, opinion, others, person, read, reason, receive, received, regarding, regenerated, religion, returned, right, Satan, Savior, scripture, show, spiritual, spiritually, spoken, studied, submit, teachers, tehre, tempted, than, the, their, themselves, they, this, those, time, try, understand, understanding, until, we, what, when, whether, which, who, why, wilderness, with, Word, workman, you
For we know that the law is spiritual; but I am carnal (fleshly), sold under sin – Romans 7:14. The law is spiritual; it has the characteristics of the Spirit and is consistent with the character of God…. Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: abomination, about, act, actions, against, apart, ask, because, been, Being, believeth, body, bondage, born, broght, carnality, character, characteristics, chosen, confess, confession, consistent, continues, created, customs, dead, death, desires, difference, disobedience, each, effect, empowered, enslaved, enter, every, everyone, exit, fleshly, for, forgive, formula, generation, go, God, godly, grounded, has, have, heart, Holy, influence, instructed, judge, land, law, learned, less, like, living, look, make, matter, means, middle age, mouth, nation, old, older, opposite, people, practice, promised, raised, regenerated, return, rooted, salvation, same, Satan, saved, serve, set, sin, soul, spirit, spiritual, their, they, things, time, tries, trouble, truly, ungodly, until, wages, walk, wanted, wants, way, world, young
Know ye that the Lord is God: it is He that hath made us, and not we ourselves. We are the His people and the sheep of His pasture (Psalm 100:3). God is the Creator; we did not… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: according, bang, begotten, believe, best, big, bodies, body, breath, breathe, care, careful, constrictions, continually, create, created, creation, Creator, crossed, delight, desires, determined, discipline, dust, effect, enemy, everlasting, evil, giver, God, good, hand, hear, know, leading, leaves, lie, life, living, Lord, made, man, mind, mistakes, natural, nostrils, others, ourselves, ourslves, pasture, people, place, prepared, profess, rebellious, recognize, regenerated, return, sadly, sheep, Shepherd, soul, speck, spirit, stubborn, supply, thoughts, towards, treat, understand, vengence
Tag: regenerated
Spiritually Blindness
Updated on September 15, 2023 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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And He spake a parable unto them: Can the blind lead the blind? Shall they not both fall into the ditch? The disciple is not above his master (teacher): but every one that is perfect (trained) shall be… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: allow, although, approved, are, ashamed, attend, because, Being, belief, believers, beyond, bible, Bible Study', blind, blindness, both'erroneous, by, can, can't, capacity, Christians, church, clean, cleansing, comes, common, customs, different, diligent, discerned, discernment, dividing, do, don't, dysfunction, ensure, familiar, farther, find, forgiven, from, fruit, full, generated, God, grow, growth, have, he, heart, individual, intellect, jesus, know, leaders, leading, learning, led, majority, maturity, miracle, much, must, not, once, only, open, opinion, others, person, read, reason, receive, received, regarding, regenerated, religion, returned, right, Satan, Savior, scripture, show, spiritual, spiritually, spoken, studied, submit, teachers, tehre, tempted, than, the, their, themselves, they, this, those, time, try, understand, understanding, until, we, what, when, whether, which, who, why, wilderness, with, Word, workman, you
Updated on January 11, 2023 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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For we know that the law is spiritual; but I am carnal (fleshly), sold under sin – Romans 7:14. The law is spiritual; it has the characteristics of the Spirit and is consistent with the character of God…. Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: abomination, about, act, actions, against, apart, ask, because, been, Being, believeth, body, bondage, born, broght, carnality, character, characteristics, chosen, confess, confession, consistent, continues, created, customs, dead, death, desires, difference, disobedience, each, effect, empowered, enslaved, enter, every, everyone, exit, fleshly, for, forgive, formula, generation, go, God, godly, grounded, has, have, heart, Holy, influence, instructed, judge, land, law, learned, less, like, living, look, make, matter, means, middle age, mouth, nation, old, older, opposite, people, practice, promised, raised, regenerated, return, rooted, salvation, same, Satan, saved, serve, set, sin, soul, spirit, spiritual, their, they, things, time, tries, trouble, truly, ungodly, until, wages, walk, wanted, wants, way, world, young
Sheep of the Shepherd
Updated on December 29, 2022 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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Know ye that the Lord is God: it is He that hath made us, and not we ourselves. We are the His people and the sheep of His pasture (Psalm 100:3). God is the Creator; we did not… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: according, bang, begotten, believe, best, big, bodies, body, breath, breathe, care, careful, constrictions, continually, create, created, creation, Creator, crossed, delight, desires, determined, discipline, dust, effect, enemy, everlasting, evil, giver, God, good, hand, hear, know, leading, leaves, lie, life, living, Lord, made, man, mind, mistakes, natural, nostrils, others, ourselves, ourslves, pasture, people, place, prepared, profess, rebellious, recognize, regenerated, return, sadly, sheep, Shepherd, soul, speck, spirit, stubborn, supply, thoughts, towards, treat, understand, vengence
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